4. Elixir Chi Kung
Elixir Chi Kung - The Golden Elixir
- Taoist Alchemy, the "Chemical Wedding" in Ancient China -
In the Taoist tradition, the elixir Chi Kung was considered one of the last secrets that a master would pass on to his students before his passing.
Grand Master Mantak Chia makes this precious knowledge public without restrictions and has already been severely criticised for this.
In summary, body fluids are energised with chi through alchemical actions. One transforms one's own bodily fluids in a way that has not yet been researched in detail but is extremely effective.
In Chinese medicine, bodily fluids are regarded as a key indicator of vital health. If the fluids are functioning, this speaks for an intact production and a good supply of oxygen and nutrients to the organs, for vital sexual energy and for sufficient burning of nutrients. Overall, a good supply of fluids to the body provides information about a person's vitality.
The West also knows comparable traditions. The "Chemical Wedding'" is the title of one of the basic writings of the Rosicrucians and as an instrument of the researching adepts who had the hermetic keys of alchemy, Kabbalah and astrology. In alchemy, the Chemical Wedding is understood as the union of opposites and reveals the gradual path of initiation into the ultimate great mysteries of our existence.
In the alchemists' masterpiece, the production of a philosopher's stone with which gold is to be made and an immortality elixir obtained, one of the necessary acts is the coagulation of matter, the coagulation of incompatible substances in a chemical marriage.
In the erotic symbolism of alchemy, this refers to the climax of the great work (opus magnum), when the white queen (symbol: moon, silver or mercury) unites with the red king (symbol: sun, sulphur or gold). The union of the polar opposites, however, is not only an external process but also an allegory of the inner, spiritual process of change of a human being, since the purposeful change of the human being itself was one of the most important goals of alchemy.
The Taoists recognised saliva as one of the sources of life. Western scientists describe saliva as an extremely complex fluid containing a vast array of substances that have the potential to influence many aspects of our physical lives.
The Golden Elixir, also known as nectar, is the source or water of life. It is a mixture of saliva, hormonal fluids and external essences. From an alchemical point of view, however, it is far more than a mere external, material process; rather, through coagulation, the spiritual is incorporated into matter, thereby elevating it to a higher level of existence. Taoists believe that this elixir is a great transformer for higher, spiritual work. The Golden Elixir is said to be able to cure illnesses and even grant immortality. Some Taoist texts recommend swallowing saliva up to 1,000 times a day for spiritual work and healing. In the practice presented by Grand Master Mantak Chia, exercises that have only recently been made public have flowery names, such as "The Dragon Fixes the Pearl", "Spinning the Silk and Swinging the Leg" or "Harvesting the Golden Earth Medicine".
The practical applications of alchemical lore to one's own bodily fluids can be learned and practised. Grand Master Mantak Chia teaches these precious Taoist practices worldwide in workshops. Elixir Chi Kung is part of Cosmic Healing
(Wolfgang Heuhsen 2010)
Elixir Chi Kung is part of the Cosmic Healing training line in the UNIVERSAL HEALING TAO© system of Grand Master Mantak Chia. Responsible for the training content and the training and examination system is UHT Global Branch Leader Wolfgang Heuhsen.